Tag Archives: Australian Margot Robbie

Croatia to New York in 48 hours

Via Telegraph.co.uk and Margot Robbie

When Margot Robbie tells a story, you’re on the edge of your seat as her energy, wide eyes and big gestures add to its climax as much as the story itself.  This particular story is about the time she had to get from Croatia to New York in less than 48 hours. A trip that she would not miss, it was for a last-minute audition with Will Smith.

While backpacking around Europe, she got the call from her agent telling her to get to the port, take the first catamaran to the mainland and catch her already booked flight to JFK with a 6 hour stop over in Paris.

The previous day, she had been cave-diving in the Adriatic Sea, and had spent the night at a beach club, Carpe Diem, on the island of Hvar.

As she walked back to her hostel at around 6am, barefoot and wet from an early-morning swim, she got the call. She knew that if she made the boat, she would make the plane, and would be in New York with a couple of hours to spare.

Margot’s not lost her natural, down to earth nature and as she tells this story you can see sh is teasing the out the seat-of-her-pants lunacy of it, even revealing she changed into her pyjamas for the flight – only for the airline to lose her luggage.

After arriving in JFK, she made a pit-stop at Topshop on Broadway, her arms flailing around as she reenacts the tale, grabbing outfits off the rails and getting changed in the taxi arriving minutes before her meeting.

Did she get the part? Of course she did.

Why Margot was OK with nudity

Margot may only be 23 but she’s been working in the film and television industry since she was in high school. When she was presented with the opportunity with work with Scorsese, DiCaprio, and Jonah HIll, she knew it was a sink or swim role that she would have to give her all. Understanding the character was important for Margot, who took a bottom-line approach to dealing with the sex and nudity.

“The whole point of Naomi is that her body is her only form of currency in this world. So when Marty was trying to help me out, and said in the scene where she seduces Jordan perhaps I could have a robe on, I said she wouldn’t. She has to be naked. She’s laying her cards on the table.” Margot also encouraged other cast members (DiCaprio) to go all out in their roles. The crew recount how it was Robbie who piped up when they were working on a particular scene with a candle and wax, her off the cuff comment followed by a casual  ”Just sayin’ “, turned the scene into a more explicit version of its initial script.

It’s clear Ms Robbie is here to leave a mark on film, she’s working with the best and challenging herself along the way. We can’t wait to see what she comes up with next!
